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How to Embrace Your Uniqueness: Tips for Feeling Confident in Who You Are

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How to Embrace Your Uniqueness: Tips for Feeling Confident in Who You Are

Everyone has their quirks and habits. From the way you dress to the things you like to do in your spare time, every quality you have comes together to make you unique. Many people wholeheartedly welcome what sets them apart from others, and even have fun celebrating their uniqueness.
For others, however, embracing what makes them different can be a challenge. This leads to the million-dollar question: how do you embrace your uniqueness? By understanding what makes you different and learning how to get comfortable with it, you can truly begin to see yourself as others see you – a unique person who doesn’t settle for the everyday.1

What Does Weirdness Mean? Who Defines What Is “Unique?”

Before you can embrace your uniqueness, you first need to define what it means to you. For some people, “weird” is all about curating unique interests, finding interesting hobbies, or simply doing things that others don’t normally do. For others, it might be about how they carry themselves in public or the way they look.

The important thing is to understand that there is no universal definition of being you —it’s different for everyone.

This means that you have the power to decide what being an individual truly means for you, which can help make embracing your uniqueness a little easier.

 Remind yourself that there is no wrong or right way to be unique and feel more confident in who you are.

What Does Weirdness Mean? Who Defines What Is “Unique?”

Tip 1: Discover What Makes You Unique

Understanding why you’re considered rare can help you embrace it and accept yourself for who you are. You might be asking yourself, “but how do I get my own unique style?” Some people are born with certain quirks, habits, and personalities that make them stand out from the rest. Others enjoy finding unique pastimes or carrying themselves differently from others to stand out in a crowd. The first step in understanding your own uniqueness is defining what exactly makes others think of you as “weird.” Once you know what makes you stand out, take some time to think about why it might make others label you.2
Do you have the mannerisms and quirks you do because that’s just how you were raised? Do your interests differ from those of most people your age? Do you just feel like you’re wired differently than everyone else? Taking the time to deeply reflect on the specifics of your individuality and tracing its origins can help you accept it as part of who you are and something to be proud of.

Tip 2: Be Proud of You

Don’t be afraid to show your individuality to the world. One of the biggest fears people have is that others will judge them for being different. This can lead to feelings of insecurity, which cause many to avoid showing their uniqueness out of fear of rejection. It’s important to understand that while some people may not like or agree with what makes you who you are, others will appreciate the fact that you’re comfortable being yourself.
If you’re worried about what others will think, start by sharing your rareness with the people who are closest to you. Friends and family are more likely to be supportive and understanding of whatever makes you unique, and they can help you build up the courage to show you’re outside of the box to the world. Once you’ve gotten some practice and feel more confident, start branching out and sharing it with new people. You might be surprised by how much people enjoy your unique qualities.
Know That Uniqueness Wins

Tip 3: Share with Like-minded People

Try making a list of the things that make you astounding and then finding someone else who shares them. Sometimes, it can be hard to embrace your eccentricity when everyone else seems so normal. This is especially true if you have quite a few quirks and habits you feel are only found in you. If you’re feeling alone in your exceptionality, the ability to identify with a “tribe” can provide a sense of purpose and interaction.3
It can be tough to find someone just as newfangled as you are, but it can feel so freeing when you do. When you know that other people out there have the same quirks and interests as you do, it becomes a lot easier to accept them as part of who you are. If your family isn’t supportive or your current crowd doesn’t accept you, search for others with similar interests. These people can often help you embrace your individuality unapologetically.

Tip 4: Own Your Weirdness

It can be tough to find someone just as newfangled as you are, but it can feel so freeing when you do. When you know that other people out there have the same quirks and interests as you do, it becomes a lot easier to accept them as part of who you are. If your family isn’t supportive or your current crowd doesn’t accept you, search for others with similar interests. These people can often help you embrace your individuality unapologetically.
It can be tough to find someone just as newfangled as you are, but it can feel so freeing when you do. When you know that other people out there have the same quirks and interests as you do, it becomes a lot easier to accept them as part of who you are. If your family isn’t supportive or your current crowd doesn’t accept you, search for others with similar interests. These people can often help you embrace your individuality unapologetically.
Own Your Weirdness

Tip 5: Do What You Need to Do for You

Don’t try to be less astounding for someone else. Sometimes, you just don’t gel with other people. If someone is constantly complaining about your quirks or trying to get you to change them, it might be time to move on.
It’s important not to change yourself for someone else, especially if they are uncomfortable with being astonishing. Your weirdness is something to be proud of, and you shouldn’t hide it from anyone. If someone isn’t willing to accept you for who you are, they’re not worth your time. Pretending to be something you are not is exhausting and will lead to unhappiness in the long run.4 Avoid these kinds of relationships and be proud to be you.

Tip 6: Know That You’re in Great Company

Understand that being different is what progresses society forward.
Albert Einstein, one of the most famous and renowned scientists to have ever lived, was considered offbeat. He had wild hair, dressed oddly, and spoke in a way that most people didn’t understand. However, he was also one of the smartest people to have ever lived. He changed the course of science and our understanding of the world with his theories.

If it wasn’t for people who were considered remarkable, the world would be far less interesting and much less progressive.

Unique people are often the ones who come up with innovative ideas, push boundaries and make things better for everyone else.

If everyone acted the same, the world would be a boring place. Worse, progress would come to a halt.

Tip 7: Know That Uniqueness Wins

Use your weirdness as your superpower to excel in the world. In fact, uniqueness isn’t just your superpower—it’s what makes you uniquely qualified to do things other people aren’t able to do as well as you. Use your originality to boost your career and help you get where you want to go in life. It can be a tool you use to stand out from the crowd and excel in your field. When you embrace who you are, you’re opening yourself to new opportunities and experiences that you wouldn’t otherwise have dreamed of. This can launch you ahead of the competition and help you reach your goals.

Tip 8: Kill Your Inner Critic

Let’s face it—you’re often your own worst enemy. Your inner critic is the voice inside of your head that critiques everything you do, think, and say. Sometimes, it’s so easy to get caught up in what other people might think about you, that your inner critic takes over and fills in the blanks. When you’re trying to embrace a unique style, it’s important to silence your inner critic.5
This can be a challenging task to tackle, but it’s worth it. The more you listen to your inner critic, the more power it has over you. When you’re able to silence that voice, you’ll be able to do and be anything you want without fear of what others may think.

Tip 9: Have Fun with It!

Sometimes it can be fun to just hang out and enjoy the things that make you unique. Whether you’re creating art or literary content, reading articles about the world’s strangest creatures, or just thinking about wacky things that you would never say out loud, there are plenty of ways to entertain yourself.
It’s important not to take life too seriously all the time. Laugh at yourself; it’s what makes you who you are.

Tip 10: Accept Your Own Weird Wonderfulness

At the end of the day, we’re all unique. We each have our own quirks and habits that make us unique. Embrace your oddness and be proud of the things that make you different. When you learn to love and accept the things that are unique about you, it becomes a lot easier to love them in other people as well. The world is an interesting place because of all the different people in it. Don’t be afraid to show the world your “weirdness” – it just might be what they’re looking for.

Embrace Your Weirdness Today and Make it a Lifestyle

It’s important to embrace your unique lifestyle, not just a one-time event. When you make it a habit to accept and love yourself for who you are, life becomes a lot more fun and interesting.6 You’ll be able to connect with people on a deeper level and genuinely enjoy the things that make you different.7

So, what are you waiting for?

Start embracing your atypical nature.

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Stay weird.

Stay weird


1. Fields, E. C., & Kuperberg, G. R. (2015). Loving yourself more than your neighbor: ERPs reveal online effects of a self-positivity bias. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 10(9), 1202–1209. https://doi.org/10.1093/scan/nsv004
2. Woo, M. (2019, December 15). Why Do People Have Different Personalities? Live Science. Retrieved February 15, 2022, from https://www.livescience.com/why-people-have-different-personalities.html
3. Leake, T. (2018, May 3). Find Your Tribe and You Find Your Health and Success. Diverse: Issues In Higher Education. Retrieved February 15, 2022, from https://www.diverseeducation.com/health/article/15102444/find-your-tribe-and-you-find-your-health-and-success
4. Morrissey, M. (2016, December 19). Are You “Pretending,” Just So That Others Will Like You? HuffPost. Retrieved February 15, 2022, from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/are-you-pretending-just-s_b_13728160
5. Thomas, S. (2020, May 7). How to Kill Your Inner Critic. And welcome your inner mentor | by Sarah Thomas | InspireFirst. Medium. Retrieved February 15, 2022, from https://medium.com/inspirefirst/how-to-kill-your-inner-critic-65d562449535
6. Gardner, B., Lally, P., & Wardle, J. (2012). Making health habitual: the psychology of ‘habit-formation’ and general practice. The British journal of general practice: the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 62(605), 664–666. https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp12X659466
7. Lebowitz, S. (2017, March 15). ‘Embrace your weirdness’: 17 ways to become a more interesting person. Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved February 15, 2022, from https://www.smh.com.au/business/workplace/embrace-your-weirdness-17-ways-to-become-a-more-interesting-person-20170315-guya7w.html