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A Natural Fix for Hair Buildup and Grease

A Natural Fix for Hair Buildup and Grease

A Natural Fix for Hair Buildup and Grease

Hair is a big part of my personal identity. I have pretty much had long hair my whole life and, it being somewhat textured and thick, I have spent endless hours trying to tame the beast and make my hair do what I want.

This includes generally:

  • Washing every other day (sometimes now every third, thanks to dry shampoo and working from home)
  • Blow-drying the crap out of it, using a flat brush to help straighten as I go
  • Using a flat iron or a curling iron to finish the look
  • Maybe a tiny bit of hairspray for hold
The problem was, no matter how many times I washed my hair (or didn’t), I still felt like the product was never really out of my hair and that even freshly dried hair still felt wet or even greasy- even when I didn’t use any styling product at all. Why?

I decided it had to be my shampoo. I Googled various brands I should try instead and, like the researcher I am, took it to Amazon to read ALLL of the reviews and find a new one to try.

I ended up with one on the pricier side (what, most of what I was using before came from Target or the local grocery before). I tried the Shampoo and Conditioner from Living Proof.

The products both have five-star reviews.

For example, this five-star testimonial on the shampoo:

Shampoo and Conditioner from Living Proof
“I usually don’t write reviews unless I’m super impressed by a product! This shampoo is the best! I love how clean and SOFT my hair feels after washing it! Plus, my hair is super fine and thin, and my scalp gets oily pretty quick. But after using this shampoo I can actually say it stays cleaner much longer. My scalp doesn’t get oily until it’s time to wash again. I only wash my hair about 2-3 times a week. I’ve used lots of shampoos and this one is definitely a keeper!”
At first, I really did think this was the one! I kicked myself for buying what was convenient instead of seeking out something better (AKA more expensive). However, after a few uses I noticed the same thing happening. It felt like product buildup or something. I even asked my hairdresser and she wasn’t sure. She uses salon grade products and has no clue about what else is on the market. Sigh
I got to thinking, if this is buildup, I need something to strip my hair from these products.

But what the heck was in them in the first place causing this issue?

Common Chemicals Found in Shampoo

Have you heard of parabens? Well, I had heard of them but never really looked into it until someone else mentioned them in a convo about hair… So, I looked them up:
Parabens are used as preservatives in cosmetics. The FDA defines them as “a family of chemicals that are commonly used to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and mold in products such as shampoo, makeup, and moisturizers.” They have been widely used since the 1950s. Apparently, they are generally “unsafe” however, and we should avoid them otherwise. Wait, other than ALL OF THE THINGS WE PUT ON OUR FACE, BODY AND HAIR?
Parabens can cause a number of problems for your hair, including drying it out, irritating your scalp and fading your color. Adding to that list is hair loss. Yikes! But still, my issue was greasy feeling, buildup. Were parabens to blame? Or, maybe it was another scary common ingredient. Evidently there are several.

Here’s a short list of dangerous products found in everyday shampoos:

  • Benzophenones: The benzophenones found in hair products can cause irritation of the scalp, premature aging of the skin and even cancer.
  • Sulfates: Also called Sodium Laurel, laureth sulfate or some variation of, is a chemical used in many shampoos and body washes, where it helps to create a rich lather. According to livestrong.com, there are numerous health issues associated with exposure to this chemical, from hair loss to severe skin irritation.
  • Isopropyl Alcohol: Isopropyl Alcohol is essentially rubbing alcohol. It’s great for cleaning your skin in preparation for a shot or maybe getting a tattoo, but it’s horrible for your hair. Over time, this will make your hair weaker and cause it to break.
  • Propylene Glycol: GP is another common ingredient found in hair products, including shampoos and conditioners. However, it’s probably the ingredient that causes irritation to your scalp in addition to breaking down healthy hair proteins.
Honestly, the beauty industry has been adding BS to our products for years. This info may seem scary, but by getting into the habit of checking the label on your products will help you be aware of any potentially harmful ingredients and make better choices in the products you buy.
Now look, I am HARDLY a naturalist and I am certain my house is full of products I should probably replace right now. However, knowledge is power and we can all learn and evolve over time. Am I right?
If you have the “greasy” hair buildup feeling I had – or you just want to avoid those nasty chemicals mentioned above – here is my recommendation:

North American Herb and Spice ScalpClenz Shampoo and Conditioner

ScalpClenz Natural Care Shampoo combines the natural power of Oreganol P73 plus a multiple spice oil complex in a pure plant base. This black seed oil complex is a great addition to your hair care regimen; it moisturizes and supports healthy hair and scalp, and nourishes both hair and roots – but it does so using all natural ingredients.

Just look at their shampoo list:

  • purified water
  • black seed oil
  • coconut oil
  • geranium
  • extracts of pine needles
  • chamomile
  • nutmeg
  • lemon
  • thyme
  • passion flower
  • apple
  • cinnamon
  • eucalyptus
  • raspberries
  • almonds
  • sea salt
  • wild oregano oil P73
  • bay leaf oil
And, what they use in their conditioner:
  • purified water
  • black seed oil
  • coconut oil
  • geranium
  • extracts of pine needles
  • chamomile
  • nutmeg
  • lemon
  • thyme
  • passion flower
  • apple
  • cinnamon
  • eucalyptus
  • raspberries
  • almonds
  • sea salt
  • wild oregano oil P73
  • bay leaf oil

I know this might look like a list of ingredients for a new recipe at first glance, but I’m telling y’all, this is the stuff!

Other hair washing tips using the ScalpClenz Natural Care Shampoo:

  • Although the version here is a little less runny, this shampoo is extremely “liquidy” compared to your standard brand – so be prepared. You almost have to cup your hand and gently squeeze a tiny amount at a time to avoid accidentally using half the bottle.
  • If you ALSO have crappy water, like I do (we live in Arizona and we have the worst water, I swear) you might need to actually shampoo twice. Sometimes I start by vigorously washing and rinsing my scalp. Then, I go in a second time and focus more on the rest of my hair.
  • Always follow up with the conditioner, but avoid saturating your scalp. Unless you have an extremely dry scalp (this was not my issue) it’s more about hydrating the washed hair at this point. So, I hand comb the conditioner into my hair and then leave it on for a few minutes.
  • Note, the conditioner is also runny, but is a little creamier than the shampoo and doesn’t come out quite as fast. However, you still have to be careful. It’s easy to pour out too much and believe me, for the price, you do not want to waste even an ounce of this stuff!

Get Rid of Hair Buildup for Good

Get Rid of Hair Buildup for Good
I hope that no matter what your thoughts are on natural products, if you have the same hair issues I was having (product build up, heavy and greasy feeling hair), you’ll try out the North American Herb and Spice ScalpClenz Black Seed Oil Shampoo and Conditioner. It’s been a lifesaver for me. Fan for life!
If you do try it out, come back and share your thoughts with me! I would love to know if this product helps others as much as it’s helped me. Taking care of my hair is good for my mental health. Much love!


  1. Interference of Paraben Compounds with Estrogen Metabolism by Inhibition of 17β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenases https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5618656/
  2. A Review: Hair Health, Concerns of Shampoo Ingredients and Scalp Nourishing Treatments https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26278532/